Throughout the night, people alternate between passive and active sleep. 整个夜晚,人们被动和主动之间轮流睡觉。
Each night we alternate between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. 每间两种睡眠:主动和被动睡眠晚上我们轮流睡觉。
The passive sleep gives our body the rest that's needed and prepares us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. 被动睡眠使我们的身体休息,我们需要准备主动睡眠,其中做梦发生。
Sleep, in the form of active sleep and passive sleep, serves the purpose of physical and emotional rest. 睡眠有积极和消极两种形式,其目的是使人在体力上和精神上都得到休息。
CONCLUSION: With the prolongation of sleep deprivation time, behavior and emotional reaction of rats are shown from exciting to inhibiting, however, passive smoking can inhibit behavior and emotional state of rats during the whole sleep deprivation. 结论:大鼠的行为和情绪反应随睡眠剥夺时间的延长呈现先兴奋后抑制的趋势,而被动吸烟在整个大鼠睡眠剥夺过程中对大鼠的行为和情绪状态起抑制作用。